Not long ago I was a full-time working mom of one beautiful boy. I worked as pediatric nurse and hoped to soon be able to cut back to part-time and be home more. I’m now a full-time mommy of 3 beautiful boys and only work a few days a month as a nurse.

I was thrust into the world as a stay at home mommy when my 2-year old was diagnosed with Leukemia. And let me tell you, it’s been hard. Like, really hard.

I absolutely love being a mom, it’s my favorite thing in the world. But being with them every waking hour (many of those in the middle of the night) is exhausting. It’s really easy to lose who you as a person and become “just a mom.” If you know how I feel, you’re in the right place.

I’ve worked hard to find the joy in balancing my other loves with full-time mommy-ing and continue to work on the process. Some of those loves are productive, some not so much. I love me some Netflix, chocolate, and sometimes just being lazy.

I also love me some DIY. Why buy it when you can make it the way you want, and for cheaper.

So I’m here for you. I’m here to share the self-care, parenting, and DIY tips I’ve learned along the way as will as hopefully some helpful information for those struggling with childhood illnesses, such as cancer like my family.

Join me on my journey and we’ll do this thing together!