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Caring Corner

Find More Joy This Holiday Season With Simple Self-Care Strategies

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The holiday season is a magical time, often dubbed as “the most wonderful time of the year.”  However, for many it is hectic, stressful, and can sometimes be anything but relaxing.  While we cherish the joy and togetherness that this time of year brings, it’s essential not to neglect ourselves in all of the bustling and chaos. I understand how challenging it can be to find time for self-care while you are juggling the responsibilities and demands of work, home, and children.  Then you add on the added demands of holiday shopping and planning and it gets even harder.  I have learned, however, that taking care of myself is not a luxury but a necessity.  I’m here to share some practical tips and insights on how to prioritize self-care to find more joy this holiday season and recharge your body and mind. 

Find More Joy this Holiday by Setting Realistic Expectations

One of the first steps to ensure a more relaxed holiday season is to set realistic expectations.  Understand that you can’t do it all, and that’s perfectly fine.  As a mother and as a human being it is essential to acknowledge your limits and plan accordingly.  Don’t strive for perfection; don’t get caught up in trying to create the Instagram-perfect holiday; instead, focus on making meaningful memories with your family.

Find More Joy this Holiday by Recognizing the Need for Self-Care

As a mother your time is undoubtedly packed full of tasks and responsibilities.  Balancing the needs of your children can be mentally and physically exhausting, and the holiday season can add even more to the mix. The first step in practicing self-care is recognizing the need for it.  Understand that taking care of yourself isn’t selfish; it’s essential for your well-being and your ability to care for others effectively.  You must put on your own oxygen mask before you can effectively help others put on theirs.

Find More Joy this Holiday by Prioritizing Your Well-Being

Once you recognize the need for self-care, you must then prioritize it.  Carving out “me” time is vital.  Set aside time each day for self-care activities that rejuvenate you.  It doesn’t need to be extensive; even a few moments of quiet can work wonders.  Whether it’s a short meditation, a brisk walk, a good book, or a warm bath, these moments of solitude can help recharge your spirit.

Organize your schedule by creating a holiday calendar that includes all your family’s activities and obligations.  Include time slots for self-care, and treat these as non-negotiable appointments.  Make sure your loved ones understand the importance of these moments and respect your need for personal time.

When it comes to self-care, it’s essential to focus on both physical and mental well-being.  Here are some mindful self-care practices that you can try to incorporate into your day.


Find a physical activity you enjoy.  Whether it’s yoga, dancing, jogging, or even just walking around the block, find an activity that you can make a part of your regular routine.  Remember, if you don’t enjoy it you aren’t going to stick to it.


Nourish your body with healthy, balanced meals.  Avoid the temptation to overindulge in holiday treats that may lead to energy crashes.  Start each day with a healthy breakfast and make sure you don’t skip meals because you’re “too busy.”  You’ll be much more productive if you take the time to feed your body.

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Prioritize getting adequate rest, as it’s crucial for your overall health. Try your best to maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

Relaxation Techniques

Incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily routine.  A few examples are meditation, deep breathing exercises, or progressive muscle relaxation.  There are lots of apps that you can get that can guide you through a quick meditation practice daily.  I have used Headspace in the past and it really helped me to learn the basics of and become more comfortable with meditation.

Connect with Others

Stay connected with friends and support groups, both online and in person.  Sharing experiences and seeking advice from those in similar situations can be incredibly helpful.  You aren’t too busy to pick up the phone and do a quick check-in with someone who cares about you.

Find More Joy this Holiday by Celebrating Self-Care Traditions

Another good way to incorporate self-care into the holiday season is to create self-care traditions.  Make it a tradition to have a day of pampering after the festive rush or plan a post-holiday family retreat.  When nurturing oneself becomes a part of the holiday celebration it’s much less likely to be skipped and forgotten about.

Find More Joy this Holiday by Delegating and Sharing Responsibilities

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As moms, the urge to take on everything is second nature, but during the holidays, distributing tasks can be a game-changer.  Involve the family – assign age-appropriate tasks to the kids and your partner, from setting the table to wrapping presents.  This can free up valuable time for self-care and lessen the burden of holiday preparations.  Making holiday planning a team effort also cultivates a sense of shared responsibility among family members.  When everyone has more invested there tends to be less contention and complaining if things aren’t perfect.  And they are never perfect.

Find More Joy this Holiday by Learning to Say “No”

Sometimes delegating responsibilities isn’t enough, sometimes there is just too much on our plates.  Saying “no” is one of the most liberating and empowering acts of self-care.  Amidst invites and obligations, be selective about commitments.  Don’t overcommit to social events and holiday obligations.  It’s okay to decline events that overwhelm you or you simply don’t want to attend.  Prioritize events that align with your family’s needs and bring joy rather than stress.  Gracefully declining invitations or requests can be the key to maintaining your sanity during the holiday rush.

Find More Joy this Holiday by Finding Joy in Small Moments

Holidays are about finding joy in the little things.  Create memories that matter, but don’t forget to capture some moments just for yourself.  Whether it’s watching your kids decorate the Christmas tree, enjoying a cup of hot cocoa, or sharing stories by the fireplace, cherish these moments of connection and relaxation.  Work and focus on being present in and savoring even the little moments of togetherness and joy.

One way to find this joy in the small moments is by cultivating a sense of gratitude.  Each day, take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the blessings, whether big or small.  Focus on a few things every day that you are grateful for, this helps to remind us of the little things and shifts the focus from the chaos to the beauty of the season.

Find More Joy this Holiday by Embracing Imperfections

Perfect holidays are a myth.  I learned this a long time ago.  As a mom, it’s easy to feel the pressure to make everything perfect during the holidays.  But it’s so important to let go of unrealistic expectations.  Embrace imperfections and understand that things don’t always go as planned.  From my experience, they rarely go as planned.  We’ve spent holidays in the hospital when my son was undergoing cancer treatment. We’ve spent holidays sick in bed, having to cancel last minute due to the flu.

Yet those ended up being a few of my favorite Christmases. I was able to let go of my expectations and simply enjoy being together with my small family. The beauty of the season lies in its spontaneity and warmth.  Allow yourself to enjoy the holidays without the burden of trying to be the perfect host or parent.  Your children, family, and friends do not want perfection, they want you.

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In the whirlwind of the holidays, remember that self-care isn’t selfish – it’s a necessity.  Finding a balance between caring for others and nurturing yourself is crucial for your well-being and, in turn, the happiness of your loved ones.

Remember, the holiday season is a time for love, gratitude, and joy.  By taking care of yourself, you can fully embrace the spirit of the season and create cherished memories with your family.  You won’t just be making memories for them to enjoy but you will be making memories for you to enjoy as well.  So, take a deep breath, follow these tips, and enjoy a joyful and rejuvenating holiday season!

For some easy, stress-free fun this Holiday Season download this Winter Family Bucket List or Winter Outdoor Scavenger Hunt!

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