childhood cancer
Superheroes Fighting Cancer

Childhood Cancer Types and Risks: Better Understanding to Support Families

Childhood is a time of dreams, laughter, and boundless possibilities.  It is a chapter of life where imagination knows no bounds, and a scraped knee is the most common concern.  But sometimes, the story takes a harrowing twist when childhood cancer enters the picture.  Suddenly, the world of toys and playdates becomes a battleground, and …

crop african american student studying craters of moon on tablet at observatory
Raising a Gifted Child

What is Giftedness and Why is it Important to Recognize?

What is giftedness? There are many different definitions of giftedness. But children are typically considered gifted if they demonstrate the ability to perform at higher levels than others of the same age, in the same environment, and with the same experience.  They are those children with more innate potential or talent in a specific area …

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Laundry is the Worst

Laundry is my least favorite chore around the house.  I will gladly choose scrubbing a toilet over doing laundry.  I just find it to be an exercise in futility.  Especially with children. I’m not talking about the sorting, washing, and drying.  I love to have freshly laundered clothing.  I even really like hanging sheets or …

overwhelmed mom

Momfession #2: Will You Just Shut Up – Raising Children as an Introvert

I am an introvert. An introverted mom raising extroverted children.  I love their extroversion.  My children thrive off of being around people and don’t like having time alone.  I however, as an introvert, need my alone time. I need my alone time BADLY! Batman is 6 and incredibly curious.  He is also my only introvert.  …