Developing Healthy Habits

Top 3 Obstacles to Working out as a Stay at Home Mom: and how to conquer them

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We’ve all been there.  Knowing we should, but we don’t.  Something keeps us from succeeding.  Wanting to exercise, but somehow always finding an excuse. We want to get more toned, lose weight, or simply feel better; but something always seems gets in the way of the workout.

It’s not just stay at home moms that face this dilemma.  All moms face the difficulty of finding the time, the energy, and the motivation to workout. We know that the benefits of exercise are more far reaching than being physically stronger and losing weight.  Exercise helps combat depression, stress, and overall helps us be happier.  And being happier helps us be better mothers.

So, what IS stopping me, you and so many others?

I have found 3 major obstacles in the way of my daily workout and they seem to be common obstacles among all women.

3 Obstacles to Working Out

Number 1: Time

When in the world am I going to fit in a work out?

Sometimes, as a mom, it feels like a monumental task just to keep the kiddos alive.  Then on top of that simple task you have to make it to doctor’s appointments, do the cleaning, wash and fold the laundry, pick the kids up from school, make it on time to soccer practice, do the grocery shopping, get dinner on the table, and the list goes on and on and on and on….. 

How could you ever expect to do one more thing, let alone something that seems to be just for you?  Do you get up before the kids and workout, hoping they don’t wake up early?  Do you stay up late and work out after the kids have gone to bed, then hope you’ll be able to fall asleep after?  Do you sleep during naps? (this assumes your kids take naps, and at the same, which rarely happens in my household). Do you work out after dad gets home, missing out on family time?  Do you sit the kids in front of the TV so you can get in that 30 min workout?

None of them sound like great options.  But they are OKAY options, and all doable.

The fact of the matter is, whatever works for you, DO IT

The key here is to SCHEDULE your work out into your day.  Decide what you can take out of your life and replace it with exercise.  The average person spends around 30 minutes a day on Facebook, and that doesn’t factor in other social media outlets.  They spend around 4 hours a day watching TV.  Think about it.  There is probably something you can give up for your health.  There is a sacrifice that you can make, be it getting up earlier or less TV time in the evening.

Number 2: Guilt

Once you decide on a time to work out, you may run into the second obstacle of guilt. This obstacle also might make it harder to conquer the first obstacle of making the time.

As moms we find a reason to feel guilty about everything and anything.  Exercise is no different.  We think “I should be spending time with the family instead of working out.” Or “I should be doing the dishes/folding the laundry/vacuuming the floors instead of working out.”  Often our entire existence becomes about what we can and should be doing for everybody else.  We should be taking care of everyone else first.

The truth is NO, YOU SHOULDN’T!!! You should be taking that 30 minutes a day, that 1 hour a day for you.  You should be taking care of you so that you can THEN take care of everything and everyone else.  Banish the guilt, there is no room for it in your life.

Number 3: Energy

Being a mom is EXHAUSTING!

We are up all night with babies.  We are up early, being woken up by the pitter-patter of little feet.  We are running around all day long just trying to keep up with the demands of motherhood.  We are up late helping with homework or getting kids to bed.  With everything else that we do in a day, it’s hard to have the extra motivation and energy needed to work out.

But you know what?  Exercise gives you more energy. And once you actually get started you usually feel less tired and are ultimately glad that you did.  Each day becomes easier and easier until it has become a habit.

To tackle these obstacles.

Schedule in your work out. 

Decide what you can replace and put it on your calendar.  If your work out is on your to do list, you will be more likely to complete it.  It needs to be a high enough priority for you to put it on your schedule.

Get over the guilt. 

You need time to take care of you to be the best mother that you can be.  Put yourself first in this one thing and it WILL make you a better mother.  You don’t have time to feel guilty nor do you need to.  Besides, it’s not selfish if you are doing it to be better person and better mother, with more energy and patience.

Mind over matter. 

You just need to take the first step, just do it.  Set a goal and just stick with it.  In the long run you will have more energy.  Each day will be easier than the one before.

Are you ready to get started? 

I know that I am.  It was tough figuring out the time, some days it will be in the morning before the hubby leaves for work.  Other days the kiddos will be in front fo the TV.  I know that in the end it will be worth it.

I’m starting my goal today of working out EVERY day for 30 days.  Are you with me?

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