If you have a toddler, chances are they LOVE dinosaurs. It seems like Batman and Superman spend half of the day running around roaring like dinosaurs. Their favorite toys right now are these dinosaurs that they got for Christmas. So what better way to get them to eat their eggs than to make dinosaur eggs. …
DIY Mountain Wall Mural: no artistic skills required
When we moved into our new house there was this room off of the kitchen we weren’t sure what to do with. We decided to make it into a playroom for the boys (I was tired of toys invading the entire house). The room however, was a little plain. I needed to up the fun-ness …
Exercising for 30 Days (and why you should do it too)
Well y’all, I did it! I exercised for 30 days straight, not missing a single one. It definitely wasn’t easy, but I did it! There were days I wanted to quit, days that I felt “just too tired” but I pushed through anyway. And can I just say, I’m unbelievably proud of myself! 30 days …
To the Momma Who Was Just Told Her Child Has Cancer,
To the momma who was just told her child has cancer, It’s amazing and terrifying how 4 little words can make your whole world fall apart. Four simple words: “Your child has cancer” and your world is forever changed. You may wonder how you are going to get through the next few days, let alone …
How to Make Crib Rail Covers: A Step-by-Step Tutorial
About the time we moved my oldest into a toddler bed he had started scraping the paint off of the crib rails with his teeth. We moved him into a toddler bed and the problem was solved. Enter baby #2. He’s now 10 months old, cutting his 4th molar (that’s tooth number 12 people) and …
30 Days to a Better You
30 days…really? That’s it? It may seem too good to be true. Well, it is AND it isn’t. 30 days is a doable timeframe, and when you put together six months or even a year of 30 day increments it’s amazing what can be accomplished. You’ll be amazed at who or what you can become! …
Top 3 Obstacles to Working out as a Stay at Home Mom: and how to conquer them
We’ve all been there. Knowing we should, but we don’t. Something keeps us from succeeding. Wanting to exercise, but somehow always finding an excuse. We want to get more toned, lose weight, or simply feel better; but something always seems gets in the way of the workout. It’s not just stay at home moms that …
Theme of the Week Preschool: 4th of July – America
With the 4th of July being this week, I thought it would be a fun preschool theme. I wanted to teach Batman a little bit about the holiday and figured, what better way then to incorporate it into activities where we can talk about it. So here’s some fun 4th of July themed activities, songs, …
Theme of the Week Preschool: Bugs
The theme of this weeks preschool was bugs. It was easy to get Batman interested. I mean, let’s be honest, the majority of 2 & 3 year olds LOVE bugs, whether they be boys or girls. So why not let them play and discover the world around them with something they are already fascinated by. …
10 Awareness Facts about Childhood Cancer
When my Batman was first diagnosed with cancer there was so much that I didn’t know. I had previously worked as a nurse in the Pediatric ICU and had interacted with many kids fighting childhood cancer. Even so, I didn’t know or understand many of the basic facts and statistics surrounding this group of diseases. …